FRITZ!OS 7.20: perché aggiornare?

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Ci sono almeno un paio di motivi validi per aggiornare a FRITZ!OS 7.20 disponibile per FRITZ!Box 7590 e per quella nuova serie di prodotti che ancora non sono arrivati sul nostro mercato (ma che spero davvero che arrivino presto!). Si parla di sicurezza a due fattori, DNS over TLS (DoT), WPA3 e altro ancora. Trovi un bel riepilogo grafico sul sito web di AVM all’indirizzo

FRITZ!OS 7.20: perché aggiornare? 1

Controllo di Sicurezza

Accedendo all’interfaccia di amministrazione di FRITZ!OS aggiornato alla versione 7.20 noterai che un piccolo segnale di attenzione comparirà molto probabilmente in alto a destra, sotto le primissime informazioni sul Sistema a bordo del router AVM. Con un clic su “Ulteriori informazioni” ecco che si viene riportati in una nuova schermata ad-hoc, rivista rispetto al passato, che permette di esaminare una lunga lista di valutazioni delle opzioni impostate sul router e su tutti i servizi a esso connessi. Se c’è qualcosa che non torna AVM stavolta te la segnalerà e metterà bene in evidenza affinché tu possa intervenire sanando l’errore / anomalia o per lo meno rendendoti conto di un possibile problema del quale dovrai essere consapevole in caso di rogne future.

Il mio consiglio è chiaramente quello di farti “l’esame di coscienza” e cercare di rimettere a posto ciò che ti viene segnalato, chiedendo aiuto alla comunità nel caso in cui tu non comprenda ciò che ti viene detto.

È certamente la prima novità che salta all’occhio accedendo FRITZ!OS 7.20 ma non è quella più succosa.


Ed eccolo qui! WPA3 approda su un hardware che fino a oggi non l’ha mai avuto. Rapida infarinatura:

WPA3™ is the next generation of Wi-Fi security and provides cutting-edge security protocols to the market. Building on the widespread success and adoption of Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA2™, WPA3 adds new features to simplify Wi-Fi security, enable more robust authentication, deliver increased cryptographic strength for highly sensitive data markets, and maintain resiliency of mission critical networks. All WPA3 networks:

  • Use the latest security methods
  • Disallow outdated legacy protocols
  • Require use of Protected Management Frames (PMF)

Since Wi-Fi networks differ in usage purpose and security needs, WPA3 includes additional capabilities specifically for personal and enterprise networks. Users of WPA3-Personal receive increased protections from password guessing attempts, while WPA3-Enterprise users can now take advantage of higher grade security protocols for sensitive data networks.

WPA3, which retains interoperability with WPA2™ devices, is a mandatory certification for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ devices.

Tutto minuziosamente riportato sulle pagine ufficiali all’indirizzo e che – come si era detto nel 2018 quando è stato presentato – sarebbe diventato uno standard nel corso del 2020. FRITZ!OS 7.20 introduce il passaggio a WPA3 che si rende comunque compatibile con quei dispositivi che usano WPA2 perché non compatibile con i nuovi standard di sicurezza. Puoi quindi modificare il comportamento del FRITZ!Box 7590 sia per ciò che riguarda la rete privata che quella ospiti. Attenzione perché modificando la configurazione i tuoi dispositivi perderanno connessione per il tempo necessario al passaggio sul nuovo protocollo di sicurezza.

Che faccio, lo attivo? Assolutamente sì. Leggi le condizioni di uso minimo che ti compariranno nel popup a video (salterà fuori quando selezionerai dalla lista crittografia il WPA2+WPA3) ma non farti delle remore, tutto continuerà a funzionare almeno in WPA2, i nuovi dispositivi compatibili WPA3 invece comunicheranno con il nuovo protocollo crittografico, in ambo i casi per te la cosa sarà assolutamente trasparente. Ho delle cinesate con chip Broadcom che ho faticato a connettere alla mia rete mista 2,4GHz/5GHz WPA2 che non hanno battuto ciglio nel momento in cui ho dovuto far ristabilire le connessioni dopo essere passato alla coppia d’attacco WPA2+WPA3.

Sul piano pratico ci sono studi che hanno già messo in luce alcune possibili falle del WPA3 ma se pensi che il WPA2 viene utilizzato da più di 10 anni capisci bene anche tu che si tratta di qualcosa di superato e abbondantemente sorpassato (e sì, anche craccato).

L’autenticazione a due fattori

Altro giro, altro importante passo in avanti per questo Sistema. Non si tratta della tradizionale autenticazione a due fattori intesa come blocco di sicurezza da passare all’atto del login. AVM ha scelto una strada diversa. Tu potrai continuare a collegarti al tuo FRITZ!OS effettuando una normale autenticazione fatta da nome utente e password, ciò che cambia arriva nel momento in cui andrai a effettuare delle modifiche alla configurazione che impattano sensibilmente la tua rete di casa o d’ufficio, è in quel momento che tutto verrà tenuto in sospeso fino a quando non andrai a inserire il codice dell’autenticazione a due fattori, quello che può generarti un Google Authenticator, Authy, 1Password o qualsiasi altra applicazione preposta al compito.

L’impostazione non è obbligatoria per gli account amministrativi di FRITZ!OS ma personalmente ti consiglio molto caldamente di andarla ad abilitare. L’operazione consiste in un doppio passaggio che prima riguarda FRITZ!OS e che poi termina nella specifica configurazione del tuo utente. Vai quindi in SistemaUtenti FRITZ!BoxAccesso alla rete locale, qui potrai chiedere a FRITZ!OS di metterti in condizioni di poter utilizzare l’autenticazione a due fattori con ogni utente che lo desidera (e che è autorizzato ovviamente al login sul router):

Per poter abilitare l’autenticazione a due fattori ti sarà richiesto – nel momento in cui andrai ad applicare la modifica – di confermare la tua scelta digitando un numero e chiamandolo tramite un telefono attestato sul router. Io non possiedo alcun telefono collegato al mio 7590, ho quindi scelto la via alternativa che ti permette di confermare l’operazione semplicemente andando e premere un qualsiasi pulsante del 7590 (che nel frattempo li farà lampeggiare tutti).

Ora passiamo al tuo account. Selezionalo tra quelli presenti sul router e guarda in fondo alla pagina, troverai il paragrafo dedicato alla “Conferma tramite la App Google Authenticator“. Segui le istruzioni a video, inquadra il solito codice QR e infine inserisci il codice a tempo generato per concludere e attivare l’applicazione a due fattori per il tuo utente amministrativo di FRITZ!OS:

DNS over TLS (DoT)

Pensavi fosse finita? No, non lo è. Tra le varie novità introdotte da FRITZ!OS 7.20 c’è anche la compatibilità con DNS over TLS, rapida infarinatura anche in questo caso:

DNS over TLS (DoT) is a security protocol for encrypting and wrapping Domain Name System (DNS) queries and answers via the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. The goal of the method is to increase user privacy and security by preventing eavesdropping and manipulation of DNS data via man-in-the-middle attacks.

As of 2020, Cloudflare, Quad9, Google, Quadrant Information Security, CleanBrowsing, LibreOps, DNSlify Telsy and AdGuard are providing public DNS resolver services via DNS over TLS. In April 2018, Google announced that Android Pie will include support for DNS over TLS, allowing users to set a DNS server phone-wide on both WiFi and mobile connections, an option that was historically only possible on rooted devices. DNSDist, from PowerDNS also announced support for DNS over TLS in its latest version 1.3.0. BIND users can also provide DNS over TLS by proxying it through stunnel. Unbound has supported DNS over TLS since 22 January 2018. Unwind has supported DoT since 29 January 2019. With Android Pie’s support for DNS over TLS, some ad blockers now support using the encrypted protocol as a relatively easy way to access their services versus any of the various work-around methods typically used such as VPNs and proxy servers.

Ti rimando eventualmente alla versione inglese di Wikipedia per approfondire:

Forse ricorderai che qualche tempo fa Mozilla aveva annunciato l’introduzione del DNS-over-HTTPS per Firefox, inizialmente disponibile per chi ha scelto di utilizzare la versione più instabile del browser del panda rosso, poi introdotto anche nel ramo ufficiale e oggi “standard” su qualsiasi macchina utilizzi il browser libero di Mozilla. I colleghi di Mozilla Italia hanno localizzato e messo a disposizione un documento che spiega tutto per filo e per segno, lo trovi all’indirizzo, io qui di seguito ti riporto alle memoria i primi test condotti nel 2018 e raccontati sul blog:

Firefox: DNS over HTTPS (di Cloudflare, ma non solo)

Nonostante non si parli di DoH ma di DoT la situazione “non cambia” (non mi insultare, so di cosa stiamo parlando) per te utente finale, sono uno l’alternativa dell’altro:

DNS over TLS, or DoT, is a standard for encrypting DNS queries to keep them secure and private. DoT uses the same security protocol, TLS, that HTTPS websites use to encrypt and authenticate communications. (TLS is also known as “SSL.”) DoT adds TLS encryption on top of the user datagram protocol (UDP), which is used for DNS queries. Additionally, it ensures that DNS requests and responses are not tampered with or forged via man-in-the-middle attacks.

DNS over HTTPS, or DoH, is an alternative to DoT. With DoH, DNS queries and responses are encrypted, but they are sent via the HTTP or HTTP/2 protocols instead of directly over UDP. Like DoT, DoH ensures that attackers can’t forge or alter DNS traffic. DoH traffic looks like other HTTPS traffic – e.g. normal user-driven interactions with websites and web apps – from a network administrator’s perspective.

continua su:

Così facendo tu potrai sfruttare questa fantastica novità di FRITZ!OS per rendere più sicure le tue risoluzioni nomi a dominio e – nell’eventualità dovessero fallire per problemi sul servizio DNS – fare cambio con due indirizzi IP classici che almeno non ti lasciano a piedi. Per modificare il comportamento del tuo router vai in InternetDati di accesso e seleziona Server DNS. Qui in fondo alla pagina troverai la possibilità di abilitare il DoT e specificare l’indirizzo a cui rivolgersi, nel mio caso ho messo in campo NextDNS (vedi il mio articolo “NextDNS: pensa se il tuo Pi-hole fosse in Cloud“) che supporta nativamente DoT e mi ha reso la vita immensamente più semplice.

FRITZ!OS 7.20: perché aggiornare? 14

Tutto il traffico viene ora incanalato in DoT direttamente dal router e – se dovesse fallire – passerebbe ai due IP di NextDNS usati dalla mia configurazione che mi permetterebbero di continuare a navigare senza notare anomalie. Su NextDNS ovviamente ho notato immediatamente la differenza rispetto al passato (e va migliorando ogni giorno di più):

FRITZ!OS 7.20: perché aggiornare? 15

FRITZ!OS 7.20 in conclusione

FRITZ!OS 7.20: perché aggiornare? 16

Ci sarebbe da parlare e scrivere ancora per diversi minuti, c’è la rinnovata sezione dedicata allo Smart Home o il miglioramento della comunicazione con i repeater sparsi per casa, c’è tanto altro da scoprire e mettere alla prova. Benvenuto quindi a FRITZ!OS 7.20, la lista di modifiche è lunga ed è completamente disponibile (in inglese) all’indirizzo o se preferisci in copia “snella” (ripulita da tutto quello che non riguarda nello specifico FRITZ!OS 7.20) su Gist:

The update file "FRITZ.Box_7590-xx.xx.image" on contains the latest FRITZ!OS (Firmware) for the FRITZ!Box 7590.
**Attention:** This update file is only intended for use with FRITZ!Box 7590!
Please follow the instructions at the end of this file to install the update.
Product: FRITZ!Box 7590
Version: FRITZ!OS 7.20
Language: Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish
Release date: 06/07/2020
# Top functions of FRITZ!OS
- more Wi-Fi security thanks to new WPA3 encryption
- public Wi-Fi for guests with encrypted data (OWE)
- better Wi-Fi performance with mesh steering and mesh autochanel
- convenient enabling and disabling of internet access for specific devices
- nearly triple the VPN performance
- secure telephony with German Telekom due to encrypted voice
- more comfort for your online contacts, answering machine and fax
- smart telephone book shows matching entries while dialing on FRITZ!Fon
- support for new products: FRITZ!DECT 500 LED light and four-button FRITZ!DECT 440 switch
- multilingual: change the language of your FRITZ!Box and FRITZ!Fon
- faster FRITZ!NAS (\\fritz.nas) with new SMB version
# New functions of FRITZ!OS
## Internet:
- **NEW** With parental controls enabled, settings and ticket entry for the device to be accessed are displayed when the user interface is opened
- **NEW** Support for encrypted resolution from domain names to IP addresses (DNS over TLS)
- **NEW** Simplified configuration of internet connection on 1&1 lines (zero-touch)
## DSL:
- **NEW** Support for VDSL Long Reach
## Wireless:
- **NEW** Encryption according to the new WPA3 standard (including Wi-Fi guest access, connections to Mesh Repeaters and internet access via Wi-Fi with SAE)
- **NEW** An open Wi-Fi network can be offered at the Wi-Fi guest access, in which only data are transmitted in encrypted form (Enhanced Open/Opportunistic Wireless Encryption, OWE)
- **NEW** 160-MHz channel bandwidth is now always active in the 5-GHz band, providing for very high transmission rates with compatible wireless devices
- **NEW** "Zero Wait DFS" (no waiting times for radar events) also possible for 160 MHz bandwidth (5-GHz band)
## Mesh:
- **NEW** Mesh auto-channel: Accounts for the wireless environment of the Mesh Repeater in selecting the best Wi-Fi channel for the entire Mesh
## Telephony:
- **NEW** Support for online contacts from Apple (iCloud), Telekom Mail, and CardDAV providers
- **NEW** Support for encrypted telephony (TLS and SRTP) for Deutsche Telekom, Easybell and
- **NEW** Nine new ring tones to choose from
- **NEW** Smart telephone book displays matching suggestions even during number entry
- **NEW** Sound settings for playing back web radio stations and to improve the speech quality of telephone calls
- **NEW** Start screen to display the temperature of a compatible Smart Home device in the home network (for instance, FRITZ!DECT 200, FRITZ!DECT 30x, FRITZ!DECT 440)
## Home Network:
- **NEW** Network passwords for the powerline network can now be changed on FRITZ!Powerline devices connected directly (via LAN)
## Smart Home:
- **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - Reworked Smart Home pages on the FRITZ!Box user interface
- **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - Synchronization of the temperature setting, the boost mode and open window detection within a group of radiator controls
- **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - Display of total consumption (kWh) of the past two years for the smart plugs FRITZ!DECT 200 and 210
- **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - The "Adaptive Heating" feature of the FRITZ!DECT 301 makes the configured temperature available at the desired time
- **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - Supports the FRITZ!DECT 500 LED light
- **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - Supports the four-button switch FRITZ!DECT 440
- **NEW** Smart Home: NEW - Supports the DECT ULE/HAN FUN roller blinds profile
## USB:
- **NEW** The SMBv3/v2 protocol of the Windows network drive function is supported by default; optionally, SMBv1 can still be supported
- **NEW** Media contents like images, music and videos are indexed automatically with "Refresh index automatically" and made available to the home network
## System:
- **NEW** Time period for automatic updates can be defined
- **NEW** NEW - Users supported in becoming acquainted with FRITZ!Box functions with welcome page
- **NEW** Display of the user interface in English, French, German, Italian, Polish or Spanish
- **NEW** Setting of language, country and time zone for FRITZ!Box operation
## Mobile Communications:
- **NEW** Expanded failover protection to automatically switch to an internet connection using the mobile broadband modem when the internet connection via the DSL or WAN connection fails
## Repeater:
- **NEW** Support for encryption according to the WPA3 standard (SAE)
- **NEW** Optimization of repeater connection with a FRITZ!Box with support for Wi-Fi channels 160 MHz wide
# Further Improvements of FRITZ!OS
## Internet:
- **Improved** Message upon failed ticket entry (parental controls)
- **Improved** Display and modification of the IPv6 Interface ID under "Home Network / Network / Network Connections"
- **Improved** Any domain name can be used to address a VPN remote peer, not just MyFRITZ! domain names
- **Improved** NetBIOS permission can be configured individually for a single VPN connection
- **Improved** Ticket for parental controls can be entered before start of online block, so that usage time can be extended without interruption
- **Improved** Additional links from the user interface in the online help for IPv4 and IPv6 routes under "Network Connections"
- **Improved** Optimized display of the DSL/Fiber information in the user interface
- **Improved** IPv6 prefix delegations and IPv6 subnets are displayed under "Home Network / Network / Network Settings"
- **Improved** IP address range for guest network increased to up to 253 devices
- **Improved** Incorrect configuration by using the same network address on both sides of a LAN-LAN linkup for VPN prevented
- **Improved** Access to the domain for a downstream FRITZ!Box registered with MyFRITZ! allowed from the home network
- **Improved** Greatly improved performance for VPN
- **Improved** In the context of encrypted name resolution (DNS over TLS, DoT), SNI (Server Name Indication) is supported
- **Improved** Support for multiple DNS queries over a single TCP connection
- **Change** Unnecessary settings option for connection speed removed from "IP Client" mode
- **Change** Button for changing the access profiles under the Parental Controls Overview in the user interface
- **Change** First configuration simplified by removing the double query about DSL or WAN connection
- **Change** Kabel BW and Unitymedia removed from provider list
- **Change** "Emule" protocol removed from selection for port sharing
- **Change** IP compression (data compression) is no longer supported in VPN connections
- **Fixed** Option for "PPPoE Passthrough" missing under "other providers"
- **Fixed** "Diagnostics / Function" showed wrong error message for MyFRITZ! registration for FRITZ!Boxes in IP client mode
- **Fixed** Defective links behind "MyFRITZ!" under "Diagnostics / Security"
- **Fixed** VPN connection name was not displayed in network connections and Mesh Overview
- **Fixed** In the VPN overview table "local network" was missing and "remote network" left empty
- **Fixed** Devices that are connected to a downstream router via IPv6 prefix delegation received no IPv6 internet connection when parental controls were enabled
- **Fixed** Devices that are connected to a downstream router via IPv4 static routes received no IPv4 internet connection when parental controls were enabled
- **Fixed** Port sharing for different devices with the same name could not be created
- **Fixed** Adaptations of DSL line speed were no longer accounted for after restart
- **Fixed** Occasional restarts of FRITZ!Box during many parallel FTP transmissions over WAN
- **Fixed** Problems with umlauts in the parental control filter lists
- **Fixed** Guest network lock in the parental controls did not lock reliably
- **Fixed** No automatic Wake on LAN (WoL) via VPN
- **Fixed** Prioritization settings for devices with the "Everything except surfing and mail" access profile were no longer applied after rebooting
## DSL:
- **Improved** Interoperability for supervectoring 35b
- **Change** Resdesigned display of the "DSL Information" in the user interface
## Wireless:
- **Improved** Redesigned the print output of information on the wireless guest access
- **Improved** "WPA3" option added to the encryption of the FRITZ!Box in "Mesh Repeater" operating mode
- **Change** Reworked information page (for instance, after changes to Wi-Fi configuration)
- **Change** WPS/PIN method removed
- **Change** Outdated WPA/TKIP encryption removed
- **Fixed** "Wireless / Guest access": Duration for disabling automatically could not be changed
- **Fixed** Sorting by MAC addresses in "Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Network / Security" did not work
- **Fixed** "Delete" button for devices was displayed even if the device could not actually be deleted
- **Fixed** PMF option no longer offered for "WPA/TKIP" encryption selection
- **Fixed** Detection of interference did not work under certain rare circumstances
- **Fixed** Time stamp "Wireless LAN channels used" corrected (5-GHz band)
- **Fixed** Incorrect entry no longer appears in the "Event Log" when individual wireless bands were enabled or disabled manually on a FRITZ!Repeater 3000
## Mesh:
- **Improved** Rendering of DHCP host name, media server name and SMB name on Mesh Repeaters improved
- **Improved** Improved text for configuration of a FRITZ!Box as a Mesh Repeater
- **Improved** Better detection of terminal devices that cannot be rerouted via Mesh steering
- **Improved** Notification in FRITZ!Box log when a network loop is created (for instance, simultaneous LAN and wireless connection to the same device)
- **Improved** Notification in FRITZ!Box log when a network loop is created (for instance, simultaneous LAN and wireless connection to the same device)
- **Change** On a FRITZ!Box configured as a Mesh Repeater, the option for adopting the settings in the Mesh is offered only after Mesh was enabled on this FRITZ!Box
- **Fixed** Display of FRITZ!Powerline 520/530E in the Mesh connection diagram was not correct
- **Fixed** In certain cases a FRITZ!Repeater was displayed twice in the "Mesh Overview" of the FRITZ!Box
- **Fixed** When telephony in the Mesh is used, telephony registration of a FRITZ!Box used as a Mesh Repeater was sometimes prevented by the Mesh Master
- **Fixed** For wireless guest access the steering characteristics (11k/v) of wireless devices were not taken into account correctly (Google Pixel 2 and SAMSUNG S10)
## Telephony:
- **Improved** Calls from door intercoms (including images) added to "Calls" push mail
- **Improved** "Always register via an internet connection" option added for SIP trunk providers
- **Improved** More detailed messages for security-relevant changes to settings
- **Improved** New telephony providers added for the country setting "Italy": TIM, Fastweb, Vodafone and others
- **Improved** Telephony providers O2, PYUR and multiple SIP trunk providers added
- **Improved** Telephone numbers can be assigned to multiple answering machines, so that up to ten different greetings can be scheduled to play on one telephone number
- **Improved** For operation of ISDN devices, advanced settings are offered under "Telephony Device" in the user interface
- **Improved** The call list in the user interface offers a separate view for rejected calls
- **Improved** For company lines (SIP trunk and SIP DDI lines), a settings offered to support setting any telephone numbers desired (CLIP no screening)
- **Improved** Integrated fax function supports sending up to ten pages of text
- **Improved** If a storage location is set in the fax function of the FRITZ!Box, sent faxes will be stored there along with received faxes
- **Improved** New methods for call diversion to external destinations supported for certain telephony providers (302 - Moved temporarily)
- **Improved** Automatic configuration of telephone numbers for provider Telekom adapted to the latest network demands
- **Improved** Increased robustness of telephony against partial failure of network infrastructures when TCP internet protocol in use
- **Improved** Better interoperability with Swiss provider sipcall
- **Improved** Maximum length for hold announcement of answering machine increased from 8 to 30 seconds
- **Improved** Transfer/Forwarding of calls supported (without a query) on IP telephones to other telephones connected with the FRITZ!Box
- **Change** New missed calls are no longer displayed with a flashing "Info" LED on the FRITZ!Box
- **Change** New fax and email messages for answering machine services (like the Telekom SprachBox) are no longer displayed with a flashing "Fon" LED on the FRITZ!Box
- **Fixed** Under the "SIP trunking" selection, telephone numbers could not be created for providers that could be selected for another telephony provider using the same registrar
- **Fixed** Under the "Other Provider" selection, telephone numbers could not be created for providers that could be selected for another telephony provider using the same registrar
- **Fixed** Automatic fax recognition for the telephone numbers of the analog landline could not be set up
- **Fixed** Changes to the settings for the proxy server and STUN server were not adapted in the telephone numbers
- **Fixed** When the fax function was started in the user interface, only an empty page was displayed if there was an entry without a telephone number in the telephone book
- **Fixed** Telephone numbers set to "Only via IPv6" could not be switched to use IPv4 without an IPv6 internet connection
- **Fixed** When preparing a fax in the integrated fax machine for sending, the contents in the "To" field were deleted after selecting a telephone book entry and switching to another input field
- **Fixed** For IP door intercom systems with multiple doorbells, sometime the desired ring tone was not used
- **Fixed** When listening to messages on the integrated answering machine with an ISDN telephone, the key shortcut for callback did not work
- **Fixed** No internet connection with LTE mobile communications dongles from Huawei when using a rate without LTE support
- **Improved** Telephone book display for FRITZ!Fon C4, C5 and C6 now faster
- **Improved** Setting up call blocking in the handset is now easier
- **Improved** Display of FRITZ!Box events with "OK" button in the "FRITZ!Box" start screen
- **Improved** Pictures can also be browsed with up/down rocker
## Home Network:
- **Improved** "Mesh" added to properties in the network connection overview
- **Improved** Mesh icon shifted in the Mesh table from the "Connections" column to the "Properties" column
- **Improved** Reliable display of new AVM Powerline products in the FRITZ!Box home network
- **Improved** More reliable indication of low powerline data rates in the FRITZ!Box home network
- **Change** "Smart Home" menu moved to top menu level and "DECT" menu moved to the telephony menu
## Smart Home:
- **Improved** Fiber: Improved - Optimized display of the "Fiber Information" in the user interface
- **Change** Smart Home: Change - Display of low battery level on Smart Home devices now only on the FRITZ!Box user interface, by push service, and on connected FRITZ!Fon devices
- **Fixed** Smart Home: Fixed - Wrong target temperature when accessing the FRITZ!Box via MyFRITZ!
- **Fixed** Smart Home: Fixed - Template for radiator control did not work if heating was off during 01/01 until 31/12
## USB:
- **Improved** When creating new release links on fritz.nas, the user is informed if the FRITZ!Box is not accessible from the internet
- **Improved** The "USB Devices" and "Storage (NAS)" pages on the user interface were integrated into "USB/Storage" and simplified
- **Change** "USB Devices" and "Storage (NAS)" menus combined under "Home Network / USB/Storage"
- **Fixed** A folder released for sharing was not rendered legibly under "Sharing"
- **Fixed** When uploading a file to fritz.nas by Drag & Drop, each file was uploaded twice
- **Fixed** The time information "Changed On" was given incorrectly on fritz.nas if the language was not set to German in the FRITZ!Box
## System:
- **Improved** Device name displayed the same everywhere in the Mesh
- **Improved** "FRITZ!Box Info" push service now includes an option for information on the "Home network"
- **Improved** New menu icons for "Overview" and "Smart Home"
- **Improved** "Reset" function in details of network devices for deleting all settings for this device
- **Improved** Diagnostics check expanded to include "Mesh", "Internet", "DECT" and "Wi-Fi"
- **Improved** FRITZ!Box support page now includes option to send support data directly to AVM
- **Improved** Separate restoration of settings for the Smart Home and Telephony areas
- **Improved** Modernized display of "LEDs" and other symbols throughout the user interface
- **Improved** Upon the first restart after the update, activation of automatic updates is offered (auto-update level III)
- **Improved** Warning on the FRITZ!Box Overview on selected settings that are not recommended
- **Improved** Page structure simplified in many areas of the user interface to improve usability
- **Improved** Reworked concept for navigation in the wizard for first configuration
- **Improved** Overview of authorized apps in the "System / FRITZ!Box Users" area now also includes rights and time of last login
- **Improved** Update information is included in event log (visible only with the next update)
- **Improved** Update process optimized for automatic updates (silent update, task 60018)
- **Change** WAN port can be switched as 5th LAN interface if this is not needed as a WAN connection to the internet provider
- **Change** In the factory settings, the WAN port always works as a WAN interface (an existing setting as 5th LAN interface for this connection is not changed by the update)
- **Change** Update setting upon delivery is now auto update level III (updates are installed automatically)
- **Change** User with the name "ftpuser-internet" is deleted
## Mobile Communications:
- **Fixed** Detail corrections to settings and status information when using mobile dongles
- **Fixed** Not all of the settings for the SMS message push service could be changed
- **Fixed** Received SMS messages were sometimes rendered with only partial text or with an incorrect time stamp in the push service and in "System / Event Log"
## Security:
- **Improved** More detailed message about security-relevant changes under "System / Event Log"
- **Improved** Display of the ports that can be reached from the home network under "Diagnostics / Security"
- **Change** Waiting for the additional confirmation of a change is indicated by the flashing of all LEDs
(c) AVM GmbH 2004-2020. All rights reserved.
This AVM firmware package contains files that are propagated under different licenses, in particular under a license held by AVM or under an open-source license (namely the GNU General Public License, GNU Lesser General Public License or FreeBSD License). For details on the various licenses, see the "license.txt" file (
The source code of the files propagated as open source files can be obtained upon a written request to
AVM grants the non-exclusive right to use this AVM firmware package, which is supplied exclusively in object code format. The licensee may create only one copy of the software, which may be used exclusively for backup use.
AVM reserves all rights that are not expressly granted to the licensee. Without previous approval in writing, and except for in cases permitted by law, it is particularly forbidden for this AVM firmware packet to be
- copied, propagated, or in any other manner made publicly accessible, or
- processed, disassembled, reverse engineered, translated, decompiled or in any other manner "opened" and subsequently copied, propagated or made publicly accessible in any other manner.
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